Public notice · 2024/07/05
At GIA, with the cooperation of translation volunteers, we translated excerpts from publicity booklet "Koho Gotemba" published by Gotemba City. Please see it by all means.
Public notice · 2024/06/20
At GIA, with the cooperation of translation volunteers, we translated excerpts from publicity booklet "Koho Gotemba" published by Gotemba City. Please see it by all means.
Public notice · 2024/06/05
At GIA, with the cooperation of translation volunteers, we translated excerpts from publicity booklet "Koho Gotemba" published by Gotemba City. Please see it by all means.
Public notice · 2024/05/20
At GIA, with the cooperation of translation volunteers, we translated excerpts from publicity booklet "Koho Gotemba" published by Gotemba City. Please see it by all means.
お知らせ · 2024/05/07
※ 募集期間を5/31までに延長しました。   6月27日(木)夕方~7月1日(日)午前までの4泊5日間の対応をしていただけるホストファミリーを募集しています。  アメリカ・オレゴン州ビーバートン市(御殿場市姉妹都市)より、高校生19名・引率者1名が6月末から御殿場市を訪れます。...
Public notice · 2024/05/07
At GIA, with the cooperation of translation volunteers, we translated excerpts from publicity booklet "Koho Gotemba" published by Gotemba City. Please see it by all means.
Public notice · 2024/04/22
At GIA, with the cooperation of translation volunteers, we translated excerpts from publicity booklet "Koho Gotemba" published by Gotemba City. Please see it by all means.
Public notice · 2024/04/05
At GIA, with the cooperation of translation volunteers, we translated excerpts from publicity booklet "Koho Gotemba" published by Gotemba City. Please see it by all means.
お知らせ · 2024/03/20
・ ふじ山教室 さつまいも掘り大会 ・ GIA College 語学講座 ・ 姉妹都市ビーバートン市 35周年記念訪問団 来訪 ・ 第28回 日本語で話す会 ・ 第17回 中学生英語スピーチコンテスト ・ 海外ふれあい食べあるき ~ インド編 ~ 他
Public notice · 2024/03/20
At GIA, with the cooperation of translation volunteers, we translated excerpts from publicity booklet "Koho Gotemba" published by Gotemba City. Please see it by all means.
